Hello blog world. Its been a long time! A long time that has gone by entirely too fast! Probably because Wednesday is the big day, surgery day for mommy. If you have no idea what I mean, read the post below this one. I am still extremely scared but I do have a peace. Its what the prayers are doing, giving me a peace I can't understand. Please keep praying. Let's put that aside and see what's been going on in the Jones' household the past couple months.

Jared and his babies watching cartoons one morning. They love when daddy doesn't have to go to work. Mommy likes it too.

I took the girls to the Mcwane Center with some friends and had a blast. My girls and I had never been before and it was so much fun! I really can't wait to go back, the girls were so entertained, they have such neat things there and a little kids area for the younger babies. My girls were dead tired by the time we left! The picture above shows the girls faces.

Basically this was a huge light-brite. We have a small one at home and love playing with it, so this was cool. Jared won't buy us a big one like this. Boo.

The Mr. Potato Head Exhibit

Gus Brown and Sittre Paige checking out the fish.

The babies hanging out at Mcwane. Trust me they got to play alot, they were totally exhausted by the time we left.

The air blows out of that hose and you have to try to keep the ball up in the air. Sittre Paige enjoyed this.

Sittre Paige's 4k school closet. This is at my mom's house. My mom and I began school clothes shopping a couple months ago and didn't realize how much we had aquired. She is certainly set for school. She will start 4k on September 7th and we are excited about her new teacher Mrs. Newberry.

I got a date night with my hubby!!! ALL ALONE!!! We had an awesome time together laughing and enjoying each other. We actually do still enjoy each other! yay!

We went and spent a weekend in Hilton Head, South Carolina with my brother Jacob. We only took this one picture! We were so busy, we couldn't stop to take a picture!! The beach is awesome in SC. Look at the background with all the people and umbrellas! Its incredibly crowded there!!

Jared turned 31 and Sittre Paige thought that he would like the Pretty Pretty Princess game for his birthday gift, and let me tell you, its exactly what he always wanted!! He has been a princess ever since we got the game!!!

My brother and Jared after a ride on their toys. Why do boys love to get dirty? I will never understand apparently.

Jared turned 31 and I made him a chocolate cake with peanut butter icing. HOMEMADE! Yes, I did it myself, and I was so proud because I don't do alot of baking. Okay I do NO baking. But this is my husband's favorite flavored cake so I made his wish come true and made it for him. I got the PB icing recipe off all allrecipes.com and it really was good. Extremely sweet but atleast Jared enjoyed it. He is already asking for another one.

My angel and I out to eat one night.

My little Lady Liberty. We spent 4th of July at the lake and in the boat. With awesome food. With family. Does it get any better?

Jared took a day off one Friday so we could have a family day just us 4 on the lake. Sittre Paige and I rode the tube together for the first time! I love hanging with my girlies and husband!

I got to take a beach trip with just my girlfriends at the end of June. What a much-needed vacation!! Wonderful girl time with wonderful friends. I am already pumped for next years trip!! I missed my family terribly but had to enjoy the quietness and packing just for myself and no sippy cups and getting to take a shower without kids watching me and taking a nap when I wanted to, wow it was nice. Do I not hang with the prettiest moms ever???? I love these girls, we had a blast. I also love the ones that were not able to join us.

Getting ready to head to the pool one day. Showing off her new Hello Kitty cover-up.

My little princess. With her baby that she ruined when she tossed it into the pool.

Look at the twins. Like father, like daughter for sure. Atleast she has my attitude. I guess thats good?
I'll be back soon. I might can get Jared to write an update on the surgery later this week. Please keep my entire family in your prayers this week. God is good.