Thursday, March 11, 2010


Okay seriously!!?? Seriously??!! Thank you Jesus, tomorrow is Friday.
My oldest child has once AGAIN slammed her head into the corner of a counter and landed herself in the doctors office. This time she got way lucky, instead of stitches she got glued. But still, what is wrong with this child???!!! I am really scared to grow up with this kid. She is seriously an accident waiting to happen. She is constantly tripping over her own feet, or running into something, or bumping her head.........I mean whatever accident can happen, this girl is going to find it.
So here's the scoop, I had just picked Sittre Paige up from school, we head to Zebra Stitches, a monogram store, so I can drop off a few items for the girls. We go inside, there is no one else in the store so I put Stella down to walk around, well SP thinks Stella "chases" her so they are kinda playing around the store, I tell SP to calm down, she does for about 3 seconds, then she starts to pick back up her running away from Stella, well I get finished putting in my orders and as I am saying goodbye I hear this huge thud. Well, it was my daughters head slamming into the front counter. I knew immediately what had just happened so of course the next part would be "de ja vu". She's screaming, blood is running down the side of her head, I'm panicked, Tavie (the owner) runs to get some paper towels and water, I'm so nervous that SP is going to just pass out from the hit, I wipe off the blood to reveal yet another gash on her forehead. Again, nothing to be severly alarmed about but you can tell it needs repairing! Hop in the car, call Peds East, they can see her right then at the Roebuck office, go in, the nurse comes and gets us right when we get there, takes us back, the Dr. comes in and says SP needs 2 stitches or we can try the glue. I opt for the glue this time. So far, so good. The gash went back together perfectly, acually looks like just a bad paper cut now. Wow, I see lots of scars in this little girls future. What a Thursday.

Of course I took a picture of us in the dr office and of the repaired gash but those will come later. I am laying in bed typing and just really don't have the energy to get up to go get the camera to upload the pics. So stay tuned.

Also, you know how Jared and I were debating whether or not we explained death to Sittre Paige to early? As we didn't know if she was too young to be told about dying? Well, on the way to Peds East today she busted out crying and I asked her if her head was hurting bad? She said, " no", then went on to ask, "Am I going to go to Heaven mom??" I couldn't help but giggled, and then confirmed in my mind that, yeah maybe she was too young to discuss death. Or maybe we just didn't explain it good enough? Whatever the reason, we have scarred our 4 year old, inside and outside today. Just go ahead and give me the "Mom of the Year " award.

1 comment:

  1. We're looking into buying that glue stuff somewhere! All moms (and my husband) needs to have that stuff on hand!! :) hehe Glad she is ok though! Love you much!
