Sunday, February 1, 2009

A good 24 hours

Ok, so the last 24 hours was a very good step for Stella. First I must go back to Saturday morning and say one thing that I left off yesterday. Stella, on three seperate occasions Saturday morning was experiencing a low heart rate. The treatment was to give her caffeine every 24 hours to help stimulate her heart rate and keep it up (see Kristen caffeine isn't bad for me). They said that once they start taking her off the caffiene that it will take 4 days to get her completely off of it, because they can't just cut it off all at once. Once they have her completely off then she will have a 7 day countdown before she would be able to home. So it looks like we are looking at 11 days in there once she starts to come off the caffeine whenever that might be. On to some good news though. The good news is in the last 24 hours she has gotten her oxygen intake down to 21% for the last 12 hours and her breathing per minute has gotten down to around the 60's which is the maximum of where it needs to be. The oxgen level is what the rest of intake in regular air, which is really awesome. This being the case they have taken her off the cpap and put a regular tube in her nose like any other person would have when in the hospital. Also they are now about to attempt to give her a teaspoon of some preemie formula and see how she handles that. So the last 24 hours she has made a tremendous step towards improvement, but we still have a ways to go. She has a line in her belly button that they draw blood from for blood work. They told us that she might get that taken out tonight or tomorrow. Once they do that, Kristen and I will finally get to hold our daughter since neither one of us has gotten to do that yet.
That's about it for the info today. We will get to sit with her some more tonight so I will be sure to update with some pictures and also let everyone know how the feeding attempts went today.

Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers. They mean so much to our family.



  1. Thanks Jared for doing this and keeping updated. It's great to know that we SERVE an AWESOME God and THE GREAT PHYSICIAN! I am so glad she is doing better.

  2. Kristen, Jared, Sittre, and Baby Stella,
    We will continue to keep you in our prayers! I am so glad things are doing better! Love, Erin Hayes Ward

  3. Kristen and Jared,
    I am so glad to see that Stella is doing well. You are all in our prayers. If there is anything Scott and I can do for you let us know. Melanie

  4. Hey Jared: I am praying for you, Kristen, Sittre and Stella! I hope you will soon have your sweet family together again, at home! Call me if I can help you in any way.
    Valerie Springer

  5. I am new to your blog. I have a NICU baby too,you can read her story at, she was actually in the NICU at Children's Hospital...Right down the road from where baby Stella was born! She was in there from August-October 2008. So, I can relate to you and your wife's feelings and excitement to bring your little one home!

    Wasnt holding her for the 1st time since birth the MOST AMAZING thing ever!?!? I couldn;t hold Reagan (my baby girl) until she was about 1 month old! It was agony up until that point. I just want to share my sympathy with you guys. We do serve an AWESOME God...and Looking back at everything I went through, it just seems like a big blur. God really protected my heart during those months. and I know that He did the same with yall! God Bless!! <><
