Saturday, March 6, 2010

My loves, Jar-bear. Sweet Pea. Beaner

We had some family pictures taken just last month and I am one proud mommy. I absolutely treasure these pictures, there are many more, this is just a glimpse inside our session. We rebooked this session 3 different times due to the weather but on this one particular Sunday it just worked for us.
The title of this blog is what I usually refer to my family as when we are behind closed doors. Jared would kill me if he knew I just told I call him my jar-bear. I started calling him this in college, my roommates Caris and Lauren also refered to him as this. He is just my little honey. I call Sittre Paige my sweet pea. That girl is total drama but sweet as she can possibly be. I love listening to her play barbies because the mommy barbie calls her baby sweet pea, I am so proud atleast one thing I am saying is sticking in that head of hers. Last but not least is Stella, my beaner. I know, I know, this is a horrible nickname for a girl and if you don't live with us you will probably never hear me call her this in public, usually I call her bean-bean. When we first brought her home and she was soooo tiny I started calling her my little bean and then from there it just got ugly and developed into beaner. I really want to break this nickname but the funniest thing is she answers to beaner. Try it sometime if you see us out and about, say "hey beaner" and she will totally turn around or look you in the eye. I hope she doesn't hate me one day for this.
You are now asking why is she telling us all this? Well these are the loves of my life and this is who I see when I look at these pictures. Of course my own personal nickname, well Jar-bear calls me "Kenny" alot of the time and that story is for another blog my friends. Enjoy the family pictures.

Sweetest picture I have ever seen. Makes my heart melt.
this is a sequence picture leading up to the big hug.

my jar-bear. I love him beyond words. This 5 represents our five years of marriage together.

Sweet Pea

My loves.

Last and certainly not least, my bean-bean. Gosh, I want to eat this girl slap up!

1 comment:

  1. Whatever! You call her beaner in public all the time. Like at her party, at my house, etc... I mea I know I'm like family, but I don't live with you and I hear you say it all the time! :) Loves you!
