Oh well, on to more important things, like March 5th when we got to welcome the most beautiful baby boy I have ever seen into this world. I am completely in love and can't express the way my heart melts everytime I look at my son. My poor husband thinks he has been replaced, which maybe slightly?? No I'm kidding, I am in love all over again though, he looks just like my husband and is so calm just like him too. So just do you know where I have been, I've been holding my precious boy. I also take back all the times I said a bond between a mother and her son is kinda weird because now I know. I know and I understand and I feel like the most blessed mother on the planet. My heart might explode :)
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Sweet baby boy of mine
I have been a horrible blogger. I really really wanted to catch up before I had my baby but ran out of time :/
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Yay!! Jared has decided to stay with us since we just found out were are having our very first little BOY!!!! We are thrilled!!! Jared at one point was nervous that if this happened to be a girl, he might would have had to move out. (Of course, he was kidding)
We had an amazing Gender Reveal, and what made it even more fun was the blue balloons flying out of the box. I will be back with pictures, just wanted everyone to know we will welcome our first son in March!!!
We had an amazing Gender Reveal, and what made it even more fun was the blue balloons flying out of the box. I will be back with pictures, just wanted everyone to know we will welcome our first son in March!!!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Gender Reveal Party
Hello!!! The gender reveal party is set and ready to go and all I need is a..........husband. Yes, my husband is away on a business trip so therefore I have to go to the Dr. visit A.L.O.N.E!!! So the "plan" is to go to my doctor visit on Tuesday morning, try not to look at what our baby is, have the nurse place the gender in an envelope and then I deliever it to the person who will be blowing up our pink or blue balloons, then on Thursday October 20th at 5pm Jared arrives home and then reveal will take place at 6pm. Excited.....YES, Nervous.......Yes, Scared I will be tempted to look at the Dr. visit......ABSOULUTELY YES. I honestly want to be so suprised but a part of me wants to know so that I will be able to watch my husbands reaction. There will be a thousand emotions going on Thursday night, from the girls reaction, to my husbands reaction, to our families reactions, and I sort of want my emotions to already be prepared so I can take in all the excitement. I know, I am just a weird thinker. But I told my husband I will try every inch of me to also be suprised but no promises :)
Very soon people.........the party is set for October 20th at 6pm. Our 3rd daughter or our 1st son?!?!? Praise the Lord for another life in the Jones household!!! Let's get my husband home and get this party started!!!!
Very soon people.........the party is set for October 20th at 6pm. Our 3rd daughter or our 1st son?!?!? Praise the Lord for another life in the Jones household!!! Let's get my husband home and get this party started!!!!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Kindergartens and Disneyworld
I am so excited I have finally found 15 minutes to sit down and blog about things that have been going on! Life has kinda been in overdrive after we found out we are expecting our 3rd baby and then Sittre Paige started Kindergarten, then Stella started school, and we think we have finally found a routine that is working for us. Kindergarten has kinda rocked our world and we certainly have had to program our bodies to waking up at 6:15 every morning. I never thought this day would come and after a 2 week emotional breakdown I have finally accepted the fact that SP is now in school for the next 17 yrs. (i counted college in there, we are praying she goes)
After we found out we were going to have a 3rd baby we thought we should take a special vacation with our girls before their world gets turned upside down by another sibling. So things fell into place when my dad had a conference in Orlando at the end of August. We decided to take the girls to Disneyworld for their last vacation as a team of 2. Stella and I headed down with my mom and dad in the car and then Jared found this a great opportunity to introduce SP to her first flying experience. So Jared and SP took a flight straight to Orlando and then they got to go to Downtown Disney and shop! Jared said SP absolutely loved flying and I am so glad they got that experience together. Meanwhile, 10 hrs later we arrived by car with a cranky 2 yr old. yay.
I must say though, this was the most pleasant Disney trip yet. My mom and I had more fun than the girls I think. They were just amazed at everything and I think their ages this time made it so fun. We have been twice before with SP so this was Stella's 1st trip and she was most excited to see all the princesses. We stayed in Magic Kingdom for 2 days, being our 3rd trip we knew our way around, and even found some new rides we had never rode before. It was really a great time and I can't wait to go again! In 3 years hopefully.
I am officially 15 weeks pregnant and feel as big as a whale. But our fall has started out wonderful and I am thankful. Enjoy our pictures :)
Of course Stella had to get in on the action also. They love going to the nail place. It is a special treat. (Aunt Joy please notice what is in Stella's lap)
Had to get in some jeep time before SP would be gone everyday from 8-3
SP got a hair feather for another special treat before her 1st day of school.
And then the 1st day of Kindergarten had arrived. Jared felt the need to be with me when we dropped her off for the 1st time.
I snuck in the amphitheater to snap a quick picture. I cried for days looking at SP's face in this picture because to me it just said "mom, I am a little overwhelmed"
So, SP is more in love with school than we had planned. I thought she would come home crying and then I could homeschool her and that would be the end. This has certainly not been the case. She begs to be at school, jumps out of bed in the mornings to get ready, has made 3 "best friends" in her class, and the 3rd week of school got the "Good Citizen" Award. I have no idea what this is or what you have to do but SP's definition is "being a good helper and staying on the blue light". Yes, I will say it again, this can NOT be MY child. Certainly Jared's, not mine.
A trip to yogurt mountain was in order for this special award, and again Stella got in on the action.
Then the time had come for Stella's "Meet the Teacher" Day. Yes, she was crying in this picture. No, she is not like SP and would rather be glued to me 24/7. Mrs. Jenifer and Miss Kasey are her teachers.
Her 1st day of 2k. (it is technically "mothers day out" but since her school and class go by the A-Beka program, its 2k to Jared and I)
We had pumped her up about school and she was actually excited. I cried again.
Her 1st backpack. Stella wanted cupcakes.
I have no idea who the other child in the picture is. Apparently it took her 30 times to get the right picture so we snuck in real fast for a picture by the sign.
My school girls
Disneyworld 2011:
Disneyworld started out with meeting Cinderella
riding the train in Downtown Disney
this is what Disneyworld does to a 2 yr old
Peoplemovers ride in Magic Kingdom
Jasmine and Aladdin
Safari Ride, Stella rarely enjoyed this one
Cinderella's evil stepsisters and stepmother
SP wanted to have her hair done at the Bippity Boppity Boutique. She chose hair that not even remotely close matched her own.
riding the shuttle to Magic Kingdom
The magic night parade
my parents watching the parade
The girls watching the parade, notice their soaking wet hair, this is sweat
Our cool-down method
Disney 2011
train ride
Chatting it up with Rapunzel
In front of Cinderella's castle
We stayed at the Pop Century Resort and every morning during breakfast they have a special song that when it comes on all the workers bust out in a dance. this particular morning it was "come on baby, lets do the twist". so you can only imagine who jumped on the dancefloor with them.
After we found out we were going to have a 3rd baby we thought we should take a special vacation with our girls before their world gets turned upside down by another sibling. So things fell into place when my dad had a conference in Orlando at the end of August. We decided to take the girls to Disneyworld for their last vacation as a team of 2. Stella and I headed down with my mom and dad in the car and then Jared found this a great opportunity to introduce SP to her first flying experience. So Jared and SP took a flight straight to Orlando and then they got to go to Downtown Disney and shop! Jared said SP absolutely loved flying and I am so glad they got that experience together. Meanwhile, 10 hrs later we arrived by car with a cranky 2 yr old. yay.
I must say though, this was the most pleasant Disney trip yet. My mom and I had more fun than the girls I think. They were just amazed at everything and I think their ages this time made it so fun. We have been twice before with SP so this was Stella's 1st trip and she was most excited to see all the princesses. We stayed in Magic Kingdom for 2 days, being our 3rd trip we knew our way around, and even found some new rides we had never rode before. It was really a great time and I can't wait to go again! In 3 years hopefully.
I am officially 15 weeks pregnant and feel as big as a whale. But our fall has started out wonderful and I am thankful. Enjoy our pictures :)

We had pumped her up about school and she was actually excited. I cried again.

Disneyworld 2011:

Today is mine and Jared's 7th ANNIVERSARY!!! We made it another year!!! Yay!!! We have a hot date tonight and I am off to get ready. Will return.......
Monday, August 22, 2011
Party of 5
Party of 5? You guessed it, we are expecting our 3rd BABY!! We are thrilled and overjoyed and scared and anxious all wrapped up in one big package :)
I am officially 10 weeks, and ready to be out of the 1st trimester because my energy level has been, well, NONE. I am so tired and just muddle throughout the day, praying for when the clock says 8pm and then fall asleep before my head even hits the pillow. I haven't gotten sick with my pregnancies just want to fall into a deep sleep the 1st trimesters.
So far this pregnancy has started out just like the last 2. I feel the exact same way I felt with my baby girls. Although, I have noticed my hips seem to be spreading alot faster than they did with the girls????? Could this mean boy??? We will NOT patiently wait to find out the gender, as we do cheer for some blue in our household, we are thankful for whatever God has decided to give us. Even though Jared has threatened to move out if we are blessed with another bundle of pink :)
We have nailed down the boy name to Slade Michael and I am not allowed to discuss girl names until we "officially" find out what we are having!
Okay there you have it, our 3rd baby. I go to the dr. next week for another ultrasound and will post some pictures then hopefully. Also, since this is our last baby, we will be hosting a "Gender Reveal Party" for our family to all find out at the same time on the day we find out what it is. I am excited to have one of these since they are the hottest new trend going around!
Will be back.
I am officially 10 weeks, and ready to be out of the 1st trimester because my energy level has been, well, NONE. I am so tired and just muddle throughout the day, praying for when the clock says 8pm and then fall asleep before my head even hits the pillow. I haven't gotten sick with my pregnancies just want to fall into a deep sleep the 1st trimesters.
So far this pregnancy has started out just like the last 2. I feel the exact same way I felt with my baby girls. Although, I have noticed my hips seem to be spreading alot faster than they did with the girls????? Could this mean boy??? We will NOT patiently wait to find out the gender, as we do cheer for some blue in our household, we are thankful for whatever God has decided to give us. Even though Jared has threatened to move out if we are blessed with another bundle of pink :)
We have nailed down the boy name to Slade Michael and I am not allowed to discuss girl names until we "officially" find out what we are having!
Okay there you have it, our 3rd baby. I go to the dr. next week for another ultrasound and will post some pictures then hopefully. Also, since this is our last baby, we will be hosting a "Gender Reveal Party" for our family to all find out at the same time on the day we find out what it is. I am excited to have one of these since they are the hottest new trend going around!
Will be back.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
This is where we have been
Wow. I am bad. waaaaay bad. Here are some pictures of us and our summer and basically whats been going on since my last post in April :( Please forgive me, I practically dedicated my summer to Sittre Paige since she starts Kindergarten on TUESDAY!!! yes I am very sad. No need to check on me, I'm going to go ahead and let you know now I will be a basketcase. I teared up at Meet the Teacher and Parent Information Meeting and really couldn't even think to much about the process of filling out all the paperwork because I would tear up there too. This is a sad reality, that I now actually have a kindergartener, I'm only 28, shouldn't this be years away for me?!? Bottom line, she is a precious child, she got an amazing K5 teacher, the coolest "back to school" clothing and God is good. Sittre Paige is one of those children that someone like ME doesn't deserve.
Monday will be filled with excitement as we gear her up for her 1st day of school with a dentist appointment, a hair appointment and we are getting her nails painted. I know, I know, this is crazy but she is really excited so we are going to have a good last day of summer!
Enjoy our past 3 months, these pictures are out of order, but just got to get them up for family :)


I will return with Kindergarten pictures and a few tears.
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