I love love. I really do. I would certainly call myself a hopeless romantic, I think? I mean if hopeless romantic means loving to be swept off your feet constantly than I guess I am. Gosh, I feel bad for Jared, thats some big shoes to fill. Poor thing. I also love the month of February and walking into stores with PINK (especially pink) and red everywhere and constantly hearing Valentines Day is over-rated. Sure it might be a big ole marketing scheme but think about what this day tries to accomplish.....love. The one thing in the world everyone truly wants, to love and to be loved. Let me tell you my friends, I am totally in love right now. Of course with my hubs, but right now I am deep, deep in love with Jesus Christ, my closest friend.
I had some time to think one day, so I looked back on the past couple of years at some of the trials in my life, when I thought I was all alone, and I see Jesus all over the situations, I am talking from beginning to end. I started crying and praising because He was with me the WHOLE time. Sure its hard to see anything when you are in the eye of the storm but to be able to look back and say, "oh my, look at Jesus' protection", its pretty amazing. Do you ever just want to grab Jesus and squeeze Him? I mean I can't wait for the day I get a hug, I don't think I will ever be able to let Him go. I was driving one day, thinking about what my favorite love song is, and look at the lyrics that popped in my head.
Love is a Cross
And Love let it be
Love is saving you
Love is saving me
The blood and the nails
A body so bruised
A Holy heart was broken
That's how he chose to prove
Love is a Cross
wow. I want to paint these words on a wall in my house (and I just might), to constanly be reminded of TRUE LOVE. This is why love is so important, He loves and so should we, bottom line. As Beth Moore would say, not just love the people who are easy to love, but the ones who are very testy to love. Jesus commands us to love one another (John 15:12), and He loves us with an unfailing love, so unfailing that He died on the Cross to prove it. I love to think about Jesus' love for me, it makes me feel so secure in a world that constantly lets you down and forsakes you, Jesus NEVER will. Thank you God.
I am doing a Beth Moore study, Living Beyond Yourself, exploring the fruit of the Spirit. In Galations 5:22-23 it states, "But the fruit of the Spirit is LOVE, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. Against such things, there is now law." wow. Coincedence that LOVE is the first commandment? I think not. Love is what its all about people. How can we serve without love? How can we worship without love? How can we do anything in our day without love? Its some powerful stuff. (fyi: During this study I have majorly been trying to have all the fruit of the Spirit all day everyday. Whew, this is not easy stuff, especially might I add with children, and of course since the devil knows I am doing this study, I feel he is attacking all my fruitfulness constantly!!! The devil is such a loser. This study just intensifies my appreciation for Christ and who HE is.)
I on this Valentines am thankful for my earthly loves, my Jared and my 2 baby girls but even more thankful that I serve a God who loves me and thinks I am beautiful, even though I sin and fall short of His glory every single day, He continues to LOVE me. His love paid the price, and I will reap the benefits of it for all eternity. I love love and I deeply love Jesus. On this Valentines Day don't forget about the truest form of love there is, Jesus the One and Only.
I might be scattered, I know this, but thank you for reading my little thoughts.