Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy 1 week Birthday!!!!

God is in control....the motto for Stella's first week of life. This is Kristen, I have decided to write the blog tonight. I don't feel deserving of all the prayers going up for baby Stella. She is just such a little miracle of life and God's awesome work.....the Ultimate Physician. She just continues to get better, she is up to 31cc's for her feedings, which take place every 3 hours. She has a feeding tube for right now, but soon she will switch to a bottle, which we are told could pose some problems since she hasn't learned to suck on a bottle and then swallow the formula, all while breathing. All she knows right now is that she is getting satisfied. So this we are told will be the next step. She has not had a heart rate drop since yesterday at 2:10pm! Praise God. This is such good news, she will still recieve the caffiene shot until she can keep going without the drops for a few more days. The IV in her head came out today, which hopefully she won't need another one. They won't start another one, unless she needs one. The jaundice light is completely out, her count was normal again today so she will no longer have to sit under that. The last issue that is concerning is her weight. She is down to 3 pds 10.9 ounces. The weight does take a while to put on so please be in prayer that she starts to gain (why can't this be my problem?). She is just 35 weeks, but she seems to be at a stand still on the weight so we really want to get those lbs on her. The incubation unit should also help this, it might just be a slow process.

I got to change her diaper today for the first time and have never been so nervous. Her legs are like twigs that you think one wrong move could make them snap in half. Her hinny is literally as big as setting two quarters next to each other, the preemie diapers are huge but they do the job and needless to say I actually felt like her mom being able to change her diaper finally! So who knew changing a diaper would feel so good?? She is also wearing gowns so we are posting pictures of her with some clothes!!

Again, I can't express how thankful we are for your prayers, love, support and concern. We are so blessed by all who care and continue to check on our family. We thank God everytime we pray. This life is filled with hard times, but its so much easier to go through with support. I hope that we are doing a good job keeping the updates and I hope you see how your prayers and our God is healing my daughter. Truly from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Happy 1 week Birthday my precious baby Stella!


  1. Kristen,
    You are doing great with the updates! I am so proud to call you my friend. You are an awesome mom and such a wonderful friend to so many- We are blessed. The least we could do is lift your sweet Stella up to our Heavenly Father! She is SO precious! I will be specifically praying for the things you mentioned in your posts. I will also continue to pray for you and Jared and Sittre Paige too. Love you guys! Whitney

  2. We're praying for you guys...just found out this week. Thanks for the updates through the blog...I'll be keeping up!
    Ernie, Michele, Jackson and Carson

  3. Wow! She does have a long skinny face --- just like you! I think this could be your look-a-like! She's looking great!!

  4. Stella is going to home before you know it. She is doing great! You are an amazing women. I am SOOOO glad you are doing well. I want to know if you need a ride to the hospital. I am going to call you.
